Key Components
STUDIOARCHITECTURE recognized three key areas that needed to be addressed and created a master plan that would meet the District’s needs, including establishing the District as a community center, retaining the historic significance of the area, and addressing the infrastructure of the area to create a better user experience.
There were several key components to establishing the District as a community center, such as providing gathering spaces to encourage pedestrian activity, providing opportunities for community-oriented uses along the river, and establishing a link between the District, other activity centers within the corridor and the city, and other districts in the area.
In order to retain the historic flavor of the District, the plan included preserving the historic function of the Farmer’s Market and ensuring the scale, character, and layout of infill and redevelopment enhanced and complimented the original Farmers Market building.
The master plan also addressed the accessibility and ease of use in regard to the District’s infrastructure. The plan was to make sure that infill and redevelopment had a strong orientation toward adjoining streets, public spaces, and other structures, and created a proposal to redesign Exchange Street to provide a safer, more inviting pedestrian linkage.